Sunday, August 16, 2015

We Don’t Like Bad Reviews. Do You?

We don’t like bad reviews. Do you?

Yes, we have received bad reviews and ratings of our company on social media.  We get upset.  We get embarrassed.  We worry our business will suffer from them. Of course, we want to delete them, but we can’t.

Instead, we immediately take action. We try to figure out who wrote the review and why.  Did we do someone wrong that we can make right?  Do we need to change our procedures?  We talk to our staff and use our reviews, good and bad, to improve our customer service and policies.

We want happy tenants, owners, and vendors.  We want to be the best property management company in town.  We want constructive criticism to help us grow and get better.

We don’t want nasty, mean, spiteful, revenge criticism.  Social media will post any review so the reader has to decide what kind it was.

Please remember that there are 2 sides to every review.  

If we know the reviewer we contact them.  Nine out of ten times we work out the problem and everyone learns from the experience, is happy, and we prevent it from happening again.

Our last review involved tenants that were evicted so of course, they were mad at us. They did not pay rent and broke their lease.  Evictions are not surprise events that happen one day.  An eviction is a long legal process.  The tenant and landlord have many steps to take and each know exactly what is happening and when.  We don’t like doing evictions.  We are in business to have homes with tenants in them, not vacant.  We want tenants to follow their lease agreement.  We want tenants to tell us if something is wrong and we will try our best to work with their situation.  Eviction is the last thing we want to do, but we will do it if need be.

These tenants were mad at us for evicting them so they wrote a bad review regardless of the facts.  We could comment and go back and forth, but that would be pointless squabble.

Everyone at Jevons Properties Management uses the reviews of our company, good and bad, to improve our customer service and policies in an attempt to be fair and considerate to all. We ask for the same consideration in return.

Please remember that there are 2 sides to every review.  

Monday, August 10, 2015

Do You Make Extra Mortgage Payments?

Is it worth it make extra mortgage payments?  I think this article gives good examples to consider when you are looking at your loans.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Do a little decorating, just a little.

Staging does help rent or sell your property faster.  Don't stress and go overboard.  We like to add a few little items throughout the house.  It really helps.

Home Staging Tips That Work